In our busy lives, convenience should never be underestimated, especially when it comes to groceries. The fact that the microwave oven drastically cuts the time it takes from the freezer or refrigerator to your table is why microwave ovens are so popular. So why give up the speed and convenience of microwave cooking and join the slow food movement? Are more people joining?

Below, you may know a few things that motivate you to give up convenience in favor of old-fashioned slow cooking.

Microwaves cook food by exposing it to microwave radiation, a type of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy. When food absorbs this energy, the water molecules it contains rotate, creating friction between the molecules. This causes the temperature to rise quickly and the food to cook.

But cooking is not just about cooking. Studies show that the molecules in the food itself change, resulting in some nutrients becoming inactive and others becoming carcinogenic. This is especially true if you make the mistake of wrapping it in plastic wrap. This is because carcinogenic toxins in plastic can leach into food during cooking.

Also, while various governments have established guidelines for “safe” exposure to microwaves, the fact is that this does not mean that microwave exposure is not harmful. For example, the independent organization Powerwatch reports that,

“Even when the microwave oven is working correctly, the microwave levels within the kitchen are likely to be significantly higher than those from any nearby cellular phone base stations. Remember also that microwaves will travel through walls if the microwave oven is against an inside wall.”

If you stand a foot away from a microwave oven while it’s on, you can be exposed to more than 400 milliGauss of microwave radiation. Only 4 milliGauss has been linked to leukemia. But that’s not all.

A study reported by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University found evidence that microwave radiation negatively affects the heart at levels that are far below the written ‘safe’ levels defined by governmental regulations in the U.S. and Canada:

“This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States.”

Microwaves are used in the field of gene-altering technology to weaken cell membranes. As Joseph Mercola points out, like Dr. If you don’t want to change the molecules of food if you don’t wish to living food to die if you don’t want to harm your heart, you might be able to join the Russian’s Microwave research is the second world Her discoveries led her to ban microwave ovens in 1976.