We are accustomed to believing that sugar is life. I’m here.
A few years ago I couldn’t imagine giving up sugar. It was everything to me!
My whole world revolved around its sweet taste and the joy it brought. I firmly believed that life cannot be lived without sugar.
Later I realized something was wrong. I did some thorough research and stopped eating sugar forever
The main reasons are:
Sugar is highly addictive. Your body loves it for all of the easy-to-consume calories it provides. Sugar tastes great, and that’s what our brains want and reward. In the distant past, this was a smart strategy. Food was scarce, and access to abundant energy sources meant survival in harsh environments.
Today, that means an increase in obesity and diabetes, which we can’t explain to the subconscious mind.
In addition, the sweet taste is a sign that the food is safe, which we learn from birth thanks to our mother’s breast milk. That’s right, it’s a little sweeter because it contains lactose.
In short, sugar is hard to resist and offers a killer combo that will keep you completely hooked.
Addiction isn’t the only danger with sugar. The substance is also responsible for the obesity epidemic we’re having.
Did you know that by 2050 obese people will make up the majority of the population? Well, sugar is to blame.
This is done in a rather complicated way. First, it increases the body’s insulin resistance. This causes the pancreas to work harder with each meal, producing more insulin and storing most of the calories you eat in your fat cells.
Second, excess insulin blocks the hormone leptin. This hormone sends a signal to your brain that you’ve eaten enough. This makes your body think it’s starving, so it makes you eat more.
Sugar also contributes to the most dangerous type of visceral fat. There is a saying “T.O.F.I.” which means “thin on the outside, thick on the inside.” This is a very serious condition because fat-covered organs can fail at any time. diabetes and cancer
After all, sugar leads to deadly diseases. The first is diabetes. As you know, sugar increases the body’s insulin resistance. Long-term sugar abuse can become chronic.
When this happens, your body loses its ability to process incoming food. High insulin resistance is lethal because most foods are converted to blood sugar before they are processed. This is the point where people need insulin injections just to stay alive.
Companies say diabetes is hereditary, and that’s partly true. Type 1 diabetes is hereditary, but it’s an absolute minority. The majority is Type 2, which can be acquired entirely if one is not careful with sugar intake. A second threat associated with sugar is cancer. Numerous studies have shown that high levels of sugar can lead to the development of cancer cells. It makes perfect sense because sugar is a wonderful nutrient. Having lots of it in your bloodstream give your enemies the energy to survive and thrive.
Keep that in mind when you eat that extra candy bar. Do you dare? In particular, considering the many other health problems that sugar directly or indirectly causes.
We are confident that we will learn more about the deadly effects of sugar on our health. What you should do now is avoid sugar as much as possible because corporations have turned it into a weapon against us. Avoid all sugary drinks, avoid processed foods as much as possible, and replace fruits with sweets. It will be hard at first, but your body will thank you later.