Ringworm can be stubbornly treated, especially if it affects the toenails, fingernails, and scalp. It is caused by fungi (microorganisms) known as dermatophytes. They thrive in warm, humid environments. Ringworm is very itchy and can even affect self-esteem, especially in severe cases. I don’t like ringworm. I put it on my scalp several times when I was younger. It is most common in children and adolescents but can occur in adults as well. Ringworm is contagious. It can be transmitted through direct person-to-person and pet-to-person contact. It can be transmitted indirectly through infected wet surfaces such as the clothes of an infected person, combs, brushes, and dressing rooms. The soil also contains spores of dermatophytes.

Ringworm is medically known as ringworm. After “ringworm” another word is added depending on the affected area. On the scalp, it is called tinea (characterized by patchy hair loss and itching) and on the hands, it is known as tinea (a raised, round, itchy rash or small blisters found on the palms, backs of hands, or palms). increase. .). Tinea pedis or athlete’s foot (skin peeling between toes, scales on heels), tinea unguium (nail loss, nails becoming yellow, thick, and brittle), groin tinea or tinea pedis (symptoms include groin) redness and persistent itching). red scaly spots on the face).

Symptoms of ringworm appear within a few days after infection. In severe cases, it is recommended to seek medical attention. Home remedies are most effective in mild cases.

Home remedy:


Garlic is used as a food spice and as a medicine in many parts of the world. This wonderful spice has an antibacterial effect against many strains of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It was also used by the ancient Egyptians to flavor foods and in traditional medicine. The amino acid alliin is one of the main active ingredients in garlic. This alliin and its derivatives such as allicin and ajoene are responsible for its pungent odor and antibacterial effects. A study published in 2007 tested the antifungal properties of garlic. A clinical trial used aqueous garlic extract against 88 clinical isolates of dermatophytes. It has been confirmed to inhibit the growth of organisms. The downside is that people who are allergic to sulfur compounds may be allergic to garlic. Garlic also contains sulfur compounds. Therefore, test a small amount on a small, uninfected area first to see if you are allergic.

How to apply:
Crush a few cloves of garlic. Then apply it to the affected area. Apply 2-3 times daily. It can be washed off with lukewarm water after a few hours. Another method is to cut a few cloves of garlic into small pieces and place them on the affected area. Then tie it in a bandage. If you have someone to help you with your application, make sure that person wears disposable gloves to prevent infection.

Apple cider vinegar:

Vinegar has long been used as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Apple cider vinegar, derived from apples, is an effective remedy for ringworm. Apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial ingredients such as acetic acid, which inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Many have confirmed the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar as a treatment for ringworm. This is due to its antifungal properties.

How to apply:
It can cause a severe effect when first used, but it can help treat ringworm. You should use a small amount on an unaffected area first to see if you are sensitive. If there is no reaction, it can be applied to the affected area. Apple cider vinegar should be dabbed onto the affected area with a cotton ball 3-5 times a day. For toes and nails, mix a glass of apple cider vinegar with warm water. Soak the affected area for 15-25 minutes. Dry with a clean towel. Use organic apple cider vinegar because, unlike pasteurized non-organic apple cider vinegar, the nutrients and enzymes are intact.

Do not apply apple cider vinegar to broken skin as it can cause severe burns.

important tips

Maintaining good hygiene is very important in the prevention and treatment of ringworm.
Ringworm is highly contagious, so if you or someone close to you is infected, you should avoid sharing personal items, such as combs and towels, and clothing.
Alternatively, mix vinegar and salt until paste forms. Apply to the affected area for 5 minutes, rinse and dry. He does this at least twice a day or he does it three times.
You can apply garlic to the affected area of ​​your pet. Alternatively, you can mix apple cider vinegar with warm water and rinse the affected area after bathing your pet.
Always wash infected clothing. Try to keep the affected area clean and dry.